

I have been a maker since I was old enough to hold a screwdriver. I have worked in the IT industry for companies like Cisco, AppDynamics, New Relic, NetApp, Oracle, Sun Microsystems, and Hewlett Packard. In addition to Retro Hack Shack, I co-host several shows about technology for TWiT.tv including FLOSS Weekly, All About Android, This Week in Google, and The New Screen Savers. In 2012, I founded the non-profit organization Benicia Makerspace. I also wrote a book called Linux for Makers which you can find in the links below. I am @aaronnewcomb on all the social networks. I currently work at Sysdig, Inc.

I’m not responsible for anything you do to your electronics and/or yourself. Do all repairs at your own risk!

If you want to support me, subscribe to my YouTube channel, give me a thumbs up, comment, and/or support me on Patreon.

From time to time I sell some of the things that I repair or just don’t need anymore. You can check them out on my ebay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/retrohackshack

If you are interested in making a donation to the channel, you can send things to this address:

Retro Hack Shack PMB 217
836 Southampton Road Ste B
Benicia, CA 94510
United States

You can email me at retrohackshack {at} gmail [dot] com.


Retro Hack Shack YouTube Channel
Linux For Makers
Tools I Use
Music I Use For The Show
Benicia Makerspace


  1. Black woman, purple hair. Saw you in Cost Plus Walnut Creek and called you gavin newsome or some such. SORRY! I was brain dead at that point, retail. I know who you are and am a great fan.

    Happy holidays!

    1. Ha! I was so in the “Christmas Shopping” mode I kind of spaced out. Thanks for your help BTW. We found what we were looking for!

  2. Hello,

    I am working on a project to encourage the use of Makerspaces and 3D printing in education. You have always been a great co-host on TWIT to learn more about the maker community. I am an industrial design student at the University of Cincinnati, DAAP college.

    As my capstone project, I wanted to work on something that I was passionate about like 3D printing. My goal is to build both software and hardware to make Maskerspaces easier to build and use. For my project, I am currently focusing mainly on 3D printing but want to propose a system that could be expanded to all aspects of creative spaces.

    I am gathering information on current Makerspaces to understand successes and opportunities.

    If you would be interested in providing information to help me with this project, please reach out via my email or leaving additional feedback at


  3. Hey man, I got a notification from YouTube about a like on a comment I made on “Apple 1 History And Build Guide”, but checking it and it seems like my comment, and another in answer to someone was, was deleted, or it least they disappeared. Did I offend you in some way? I didn’t think anyone would be offended (hey, I even got a “like”!) What is going on?

    I’ve mostly stopped communicating on Facebook and Twitter. Maybe I need to stop YouTube, too. Addictive little site!

    1. I don’t delete comments on my channel unless they are hurtful to others or spam. I haven’t deleted any comments for that video, so it must have been YouTube.

  4. Just watched your utube videos on the Apple 1. it has brought back many memories of my Apple 2 ex periences. I am now 85 years old and a little too far gone to undertake a project like your buiild of the Apple 1. I sure would have wanted to do it a few years ago. I was a founder of Amdek the monitor company and had many experiences unravelling Woz’s creation of the Apple 2 so that I could design an RGB card so that we could package it with our RGB monitor. I have tried to get on Utube as one of your supporters. However, I am in Hawaii this week and my old phone is still at home and my Google account is tied to that phone number. I will get subscribed to Utube when I get home. Hope that you are able to see this note.

    1. Thanks so much for the nice comment, Ted! And thanks for so many memories we all had with Amdek monitors!!

  5. Hello

    I have seen your video on YT.
    Your kit HDMI For The Amiga and Atari ST, have the 3 PCB and the rubbon ?
    And i have a STE, have you the procédure to do this on this model ?


    1. Unfortunately, this mod is designed for the ST with a 40 pin video shifter chip. The STE has an 84 pin PLCC shifter chip and you would currently have to solder wires
      directly to pick up the signals for that. It might be possible, but I don’t support it.

  6. I saw your Wednesday e-waste videos and I find them very enlightening. I do not see where you sell all that stuff on your website. I have an IBMXT 5160. I’m just getting into the sport of vintage computing I started out with an original IBM 5150 when they first came out. Would you like to sell me an updated video card so that I can get better video out. I’d also like a sound blaster card. I’ll pay for shipping etc., or anything else. Thanks for your time, Jeff. You’re so lucky to have those e-waste centers. There’s nothing like that in Mississippi.

    1. When I have time, I try to post stuff on ebay. Keep an eye out there. https://www.ebay.com/str/retrohackshack

  7. I’m hoping to acquire a RGBtoHDMI when they are back in stock so that I can get 16 colors in 80 column mode from my Commodore 128 to a LCD TV. I also hope that I purchase the correct accessories to make this happen since I’ve received several different recommendations on what to purchase.

    1. I usually recommend the RGBtoHDMI adaptor + TTL buffer + M to M 9 pin DSUB cable. However, if you have questions about your specific situation I recommend asking in the support forum. https://stardot.org.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=14430%5D

  8. Aaron,

    I received the RGBtoHDMI adaptor I ordered yesterday. Soldered some reset pins onto the RPI, printed the 3D Case, loaded software on MicroSD and all is working well. Thank you again for offering them for sale.

    1. Glad it is working for you, Marshall!

  9. Hi, I just watched your “pimp my oscilloscope” video and was wondering if I could supplement the “pico brand scope” for the one you used?

    1. I am sorry, but I don’t own one of those so I am not sure.

  10. I watched your video on YouTube “1983 Nabu personal computer experience” and just wanted to let you know there was a problem with the interview shown in the upper left corner, edited wrong or something. The interview repeats itself near the 42:03 mark. Wasn’t able to leave a comment on the video itself.

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