Halloween Plastic Skulls

Aaron Newcomb/ October 20, 2020/ Arduino, Projects, YouTube Channel

In my YouTube episode on making plastic skulls out of milk jugs I showed a simple script to run on an Arduino to make the lights fade in and out. Here is the code you can use if you decide to build this project. Be sure to change the variables at the top of the script to match your setup.

#include <FastLED.h>
// change the following to match your hardware setup
#define LED_PIN 3            // Data pin on arduino
#define NUM_LEDS 4
#define LED_TYPE PL9823
#define COLOR CRGB::Purple   // See other possible colors below
#define RAMP_TIME 3500.0     // Need the ".0"

struct CRGB leds[NUM_LEDS];
float MAX_BRIGHTNESS = 100;
float brightness = (MAX_BRIGHTNESS / 255);

void setup() {
  LEDS.addLeds<LED_TYPE, LED_PIN, COLOR_ORDER>(leds, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection(TypicalLEDStrip);
  fill_solid(leds, NUM_LEDS, COLOR);

void loop () {
  float breath = (exp(sin(millis()/RAMP_TIME*PI)) - 0.36787944)*108.0;
  FastLED.setBrightness(breath * brightness);

//  AliceBlue =0xF0F8FF, Amethyst =0x9966CC, AntiqueWhite =0xFAEBD7, Aqua =0x00FFFF,
//  Aquamarine =0x7FFFD4, Azure =0xF0FFFF, Beige =0xF5F5DC, Bisque =0xFFE4C4,
//  Black =0x000000, BlanchedAlmond =0xFFEBCD, Blue =0x0000FF, BlueViolet =0x8A2BE2,
//  Brown =0xA52A2A, BurlyWood =0xDEB887, CadetBlue =0x5F9EA0, Chartreuse =0x7FFF00,
//  Chocolate =0xD2691E, Coral =0xFF7F50, CornflowerBlue =0x6495ED, Cornsilk =0xFFF8DC,
//  Crimson =0xDC143C, Cyan =0x00FFFF, DarkBlue =0x00008B, DarkCyan =0x008B8B,
//  DarkGoldenrod =0xB8860B, DarkGray =0xA9A9A9, DarkGrey =0xA9A9A9, DarkGreen =0x006400,
//  DarkKhaki =0xBDB76B, DarkMagenta =0x8B008B, DarkOliveGreen =0x556B2F, DarkOrange =0xFF8C00,
//  DarkOrchid =0x9932CC, DarkRed =0x8B0000, DarkSalmon =0xE9967A, DarkSeaGreen =0x8FBC8F,
//  DarkSlateBlue =0x483D8B, DarkSlateGray =0x2F4F4F, DarkSlateGrey =0x2F4F4F, DarkTurquoise =0x00CED1,
//  DarkViolet =0x9400D3, DeepPink =0xFF1493, DeepSkyBlue =0x00BFFF, DimGray =0x696969,
//  DimGrey =0x696969, DodgerBlue =0x1E90FF, FireBrick =0xB22222, FloralWhite =0xFFFAF0,
//  ForestGreen =0x228B22, Fuchsia =0xFF00FF, Gainsboro =0xDCDCDC, GhostWhite =0xF8F8FF,
//  Gold =0xFFD700, Goldenrod =0xDAA520, Gray =0x808080, Grey =0x808080,
//  Green =0x008000, GreenYellow =0xADFF2F, Honeydew =0xF0FFF0, HotPink =0xFF69B4,
//  IndianRed =0xCD5C5C, Indigo =0x4B0082, Ivory =0xFFFFF0, Khaki =0xF0E68C,
//  Lavender =0xE6E6FA, LavenderBlush =0xFFF0F5, LawnGreen =0x7CFC00, LemonChiffon =0xFFFACD,
//  LightBlue =0xADD8E6, LightCoral =0xF08080, LightCyan =0xE0FFFF, LightGoldenrodYellow =0xFAFAD2,
//  LightGreen =0x90EE90, LightGrey =0xD3D3D3, LightPink =0xFFB6C1, LightSalmon =0xFFA07A,
//  LightSeaGreen =0x20B2AA, LightSkyBlue =0x87CEFA, LightSlateGray =0x778899, LightSlateGrey =0x778899,
//  LightSteelBlue =0xB0C4DE, LightYellow =0xFFFFE0, Lime =0x00FF00, LimeGreen =0x32CD32,
//  Linen =0xFAF0E6, Magenta =0xFF00FF, Maroon =0x800000, MediumAquamarine =0x66CDAA,
//  MediumBlue =0x0000CD, MediumOrchid =0xBA55D3, MediumPurple =0x9370DB, MediumSeaGreen =0x3CB371,
//  MediumSlateBlue =0x7B68EE, MediumSpringGreen =0x00FA9A, MediumTurquoise =0x48D1CC, MediumVioletRed =0xC71585,
//  MidnightBlue =0x191970, MintCream =0xF5FFFA, MistyRose =0xFFE4E1, Moccasin =0xFFE4B5,
//  NavajoWhite =0xFFDEAD, Navy =0x000080, OldLace =0xFDF5E6, Olive =0x808000,
//  OliveDrab =0x6B8E23, Orange =0xFFA500, OrangeRed =0xFF4500, Orchid =0xDA70D6,
//  PaleGoldenrod =0xEEE8AA, PaleGreen =0x98FB98, PaleTurquoise =0xAFEEEE, PaleVioletRed =0xDB7093,
//  PapayaWhip =0xFFEFD5, PeachPuff =0xFFDAB9, Peru =0xCD853F, Pink =0xFFC0CB,
//  Plaid =0xCC5533, Plum =0xDDA0DD, PowderBlue =0xB0E0E6, Purple =0x800080,
//  Red =0xFF0000, RosyBrown =0xBC8F8F, RoyalBlue =0x4169E1, SaddleBrown =0x8B4513,
//  Salmon =0xFA8072, SandyBrown =0xF4A460, SeaGreen =0x2E8B57, Seashell =0xFFF5EE,
//  Sienna =0xA0522D, Silver =0xC0C0C0, SkyBlue =0x87CEEB, SlateBlue =0x6A5ACD,
//  SlateGray =0x708090, SlateGrey =0x708090, Snow =0xFFFAFA, SpringGreen =0x00FF7F,
//  SteelBlue =0x4682B4, Tan =0xD2B48C, Teal =0x008080, Thistle =0xD8BFD8,
//  Tomato =0xFF6347, Turquoise =0x40E0D0, Violet =0xEE82EE, Wheat =0xF5DEB3,
//  White =0xFFFFFF, WhiteSmoke =0xF5F5F5, Yellow =0xFFFF00, YellowGreen =0x9ACD32,
//  FairyLight =0xFFE42D, FairyLightNCC =0xFF9D2A
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